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The Boy Who Lived


CARRY ON This Max documentary explores the relationship between Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe and his stunt double David Holmes, whose close friendship endured a life-changing accident, in David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived. - PHOTO COURTESY OF BELL MEDIA AND HBO MAX
  • Photo Courtesy Of Bell Media And Hbo Max
  • CARRY ON This Max documentary explores the relationship between Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe and his stunt double David Holmes, whose close friendship endured a life-changing accident, in David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived.

What's it rated? Not rated

When? 2023

Where's it showing? Max

To say I'm a bit of a fanatic for all things Harry Potter (besides, that is, the author herself these days) rings true, so a film produced by Daniel Radcliffe that dives back into the time of filmmaking is a no-brainer for me. David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived doesn't bring us bright and shiny tales about the filmmaking, however, at least not exclusively. Instead, the film peels back the layers, going into the life of David Holmes, who acted as Radcliffe's stunt double up until an on-set accident during the filming of Deathly Hallows Part 1.

We see behind-the-scenes reels of the young actors known for their parts on-screen and the worker bees behind the scenes, and the beautiful relationships created between them. It is clear Radcliffe has an ardent respect for Holmes and his work, and a tortured relationship with the accident that left Holmes paralyzed.

Tender and utterly painful at points, David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived shies away from putting a happy spin on the story, instead addressing Holmes' painful journey. Fans of the Potterverse and of human stories alike will find this documentary both touching and tragic. It's a testament to the friendships that were built on those sets. (87 min.) ∆


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