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Superfoods to the rescue



Atkins, South Beach, juice cleanse, sugar free, gluten free … .

We’ve all heard of the fad diets that come and go, the quick fix to a temporary solution, the next best juicer that’s only $100 more than the last one that sits idly on the counter for months on end. 

New Earth Superfoods is presenting not some sort of fad diet, but foods filled with Probiotics, instead of anti-something-or-other, for anyone looking to diet, detox, or simply get healthy.

“We want to be the instrument in educating people,” Gunter Ternes, owner of New Earth Superfoods says. Ternes and Robert Alexander came together about three years ago when Alexander was not in the best shape of his life, and decided to make some changes, and Ternes was there to help. Together, they started spreading the word about these Superfoods, and decided to open a storefront to share it all, and no, this is not some out-of-the-movies, stereotypical, hippie mumbo jumbo place.

Everything is natural, made from scratch, right there on the premises, and though there is no sugar added to anything, and it’s all vegan friendly, it all tastes surprisingly good! In the course of our interview, Ternes brought over tasting after tasting. It started with a chocolate truffle, which was my least favorite, and continued on with a slice of walnut bread, also known as kefer bread on their menu, smoothed over with gluten-free cheese, then kale soup, and finished off with a taste of a pomegranate juice blend.

Maybe I sat there too long, or maybe I drank the Kool-Aid, but with every taste getting better and better, at the end of it all, I was hooked. If I’m going to spend $5 on a smoothie, I’d rather spend an extra $2 on something that will actually help reverse my college Top Ramen-dominated diet.

Their top seller is the coconut probiotic yogurt, which is only sold in SLO County. Other items, such as their juice blend powders, can be found not just in the store, but online through their website If you’ve never used powders before, the staff is more than happy and enthusiastic to help you out with tips and suggestions, all you have to do is ask!

New Earth Superfoods is located at 942 Chorro St. and can be reached at 592-2450. The health café is open Tuesday through Sunday, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., closed Mondays. They can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. 


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