
A clarification and correction


New Times has learned that a restraining order on file with the San Luis Obispo Superior Court alleges that Richard Martin Loots, the man featured in the Oct. 11 Three Strikes story “Struck out,” assaulted a woman, sending her to the hospital with three to four broken ribs. The restraining order was filed in June 2012, six months after the beating described by the victim allegedly occurred. Loots was never arrested, nor tried for the crime, and his statement attached to the order denies any involvement.

The article regarding the vessel PG&E has selected for its seismic studies (“Floating the Marcus Langseth,” Oct. 11) incorrectly stated the status of an incidental harassment authorization permit for the surveys by the California Department of Fish and Game. The permit has not yet been granted, but people connected to the project expect it to be approved following other regulatory approvals. Furthermore, the name of the senior policy analyst from the National Resources Defense Council was misspelled. The proper spelling is Michael Jasny.

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