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Cougars & Mustangs: A brotherly win for Cal Poly!



College is a learning experience. No, I don’t mean books and education, although that’s true; I’m referring to social interactivity and development of personal work ethics and habits, the little (and big) decisions you make every day that ultimately blossom you into a whole new world of savvy. Take your first week of class, for example. On your first day, your hair, wild and unruly from a season without snipping, may begin to dangle lazily in your right eye, irritating it. With significant time remaining until your next haircut, you may decide to wear an eye patch to protect it, and look like either a thug or a pirate.

Suddenly you’re concerned that your appearance is really going to be a turn-off to fellow students, except metal heads. By the end you’ve joined a professional Segway club, and it’s all a big mess. Another day, when you get home late in the evening after a really surprisingly taxing set of hours, you recall that you have an assignment to complete, but are almost certain that you’re too tired to attempt it. Then, your exhausted brain comes to the conclusion that if you turn on a favorite television program you’ll be so excited it’s on that you’ll wake up enough to do the assignment. Then you wake up the following morning still dressed in your nice clothes in some awkward position on the couch.

But naturally, good ideas and growth will eventually come! Take incoming Cal Poly ASI President Jason Colombini, who recently received the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity’s 2013 Roswell “Buddy” Messing Award for Outstanding Brother of the Year. This bright student has been noted for developing an innovative orientation program for the brotherhood that applies positive reinforcement and deep self-awareness to foster new members with encouragement and education. The Outstanding Brother of the Year award honors an undergraduate member of ZBT who best exemplifies the core values of the fraternity such as intellectual awareness, social responsibility, integrity, and brotherly love. Hearty congratulations to Colombini for his achievements.


Intern Chris White-Sanborn compiled this week’s Cougars & Mustangs. Send your collegiate news to [email protected].

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