
David Fitzpatrick - Attorney at law and previous San Luis Obispo County planning commissioner


NEW TIMES: How long did you serve on the County Planning Commission?

FITZPATRICK: I served for two years. That was seven or eight years ago

NEW TIMES: How do you become a planning commissioner?

FITZPATRICK: You are appointed by the County Board of Supervisors.

NEW TIMES: What was the fun part of being a commissioner?

FITZPATRICK: There is always something new to learn. When I first came on board the commission, we were right in the middle of dealing with the Unocal cleanup at Guadalupe dunes. I learned more about cleanup and digging than I ever wanted to know.

NEW TIMES: What was the bad part about being a commissioner?

FITZPATRICK: It easily took me 40 to 60 hours per month to prepare for each meeting. It’s like a second job. It got to the point where it was difficult to maintain a regular full-time practice and serve on the commission at the same time.

NEW TIMES: Do commissioners get paid for their services?

FITZPATRICK: We made $300 per month.

NEW TIMES: How does someone resign from the commission?

FITZPATRICK: I just informed the county supervisors that I could no longer serve on the commission and asked them to find someone else, easy as that

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