
Questions For: Marlin K. Brown

Republican Campaign Office in Santa Maria


NEW TIMES What do you offer at the Republican office?

BROWN All kinds of campaign literature, lawn signs, scripts, and phone lists. Anyone can come in a volunteer. It is a Republican office, so we are looking for Republicans to come in and help.


NEW TIMES Who are your personal political heroes?

BROWN I’d have to say Regan and Bush.


NEW TIMES What is the ideal way you want the elections to play out?

BROWN For the primaries, we would like to see conservative candidates to win it all. As for the general election, well ... we would like to see the same.


NEW TIMES Do you think Obama’s recent support of gay marriage will help or be damaging to the Republican Party?

BROWN The social issues are kind of irrelevant. Our ship is sinking. We are currently $16 trillion in national debt, and $2 trillion in contingent debt. Consider Social Security in 20 years; it will be broke and sucking up a huge portion of the nation’s income. Given we don’t fix it by then, we will be paying more people than those who are actually working. This will send us into more debt.


NEW TIMES How do you think the Republican Party can solve this issue?

BROWN The candidates that don’t care about making a political career will most likely just slash spending. Those looking to make a career in politics will look for a softer landing. In other words, they would want to taper off spending and cut back on the amount we barrow. We borrow 42 cents out of every dollar we spend. That is on a federal level.


NEW TIMES What candidates are you backing this election?

BROWN I am backing Chris Mitchum for the new Congressional representative for the 24th district. We used to have a congressional district that took over the Central Coast for over 200 miles. We have a more rational congressional district now. The incumbent critter, Lois Capps, is up for re-election, and we think we have a good chance to beat her. It will be a very close horse race though.


NEW TIMES Have you ever pulled a prank on the Democratic Campaign Office?

BROWN Ha! What a great idea. We should hoist the hammer and sickle on their flagpole. Sounds fun, but we have never done anything like that.


NEW TIMES What hours are your office open?

BROWN Until the primaries, we are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. After the primaries, we will count noses and see where we are at with volunteer help. I just want to reiterate that folks that want to volunteer can call me at 937-4973 or stop by the office.

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