Opinion » Letters

All land belongs to the government

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Shredder's fidelity to property rights ("To seize or not to seize?" June 13) seems not to take into account that in every political system, it is the state and its military forces that control all land within. Some states—like the U.S.—allow folks to own pieces of property in perpetuity if they pay their taxes. But, as the American Indians will tell you, even written down property rights only hold up if courts and sheriffs agree.

Which brings me to Mr. Bunnell and his buddies whose ranch-y property rights shouldn't be extended to being able to block construction of a needed road or bike path, no matter how personally concerned they are about liability and homelessness. Yes, they are owners of record but only because titles have been granted to them by a government, the real "property owner."

Todd Katz

San Luis Obispo


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