Opinion » Letters

‘Convenient’ indeed


I was intrigued by the revelations in the various articles in the Jan. 6-13 New Times regarding Supervisor Lenthall and his flight to the Coastal Commission hearings on PG&E’s private jet. I drove — in a severe rainstorm — to that hearing, sharing a carpool and expenses with four other concerned county residents.

Mr. Lenthall claims he went to testify against PG&E (though a videotape of his testimony shows otherwise). Supposedly Mr. Lenthall paid $350 for his ticket. An online check of fares proves this to be about $50 less than you or I would be paying … and that’s not a seat on a private jet. In addition, since both Mr. Lenthall and I intended to speak against PG&E, I have a question for Mr. Lewis: When do you plan to call the rest of PG&E’s opponents and let them know when you have room on the plane? It’s cheaper than commercial airlines and you obviously don’t mind traveling with your opponents. This entire charade is just one more example of the proven mistrust that can exist in the cozy relationship between business and government, and deserves continued scrutiny.


Carrie Filler

Morro Bay

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