Opinion » Letters

Andrew Christie was nature's superhero


Over the years, my approval of Andrew Christie, the erudite director of our local Sierra Club chapter, has developed into flat-out admiration. His thoroughly-researched articles and stirring public speeches have heightened my awareness almost without my realizing I was learning anything—to the point where I'm now better informed on environmental matters than most of the people I know.

Andrew is a galvanizing teacher. But unlike most teachers (and many politicians) who try to appear objective, he always takes a definite stand, presenting all sides of an issue, stating his position, discussing why it's important, and proposing solutions. I've no doubt Andrew has made some powerful enemies over the years, but like any true hero, he's impervious to their sticks and stones. He has never been known to back away from his convictions, despite the power and money that have been used to oppose him.

Andrew has always been, and will no doubt continue to be a selfless advocate for Mother Earth. He has led the way toward a greater understanding of the importance of saving and protecting the natural beauties of our state, and we owe him a great debt of gratitude for opening our eyes to the perils of indifference. He has done an outstanding job of preserving our wilderness areas from corporate interests and political greed, and it won't be easy to fill the shoes he leaves behind ("Responding to unraveling," Dec. 14).

Laurin Hayes

Morro Bay

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