There's an ugly rumor circulating. The federal government has turned its guns on its citizens. What do I mean by that? Try being a small business owner today, and you'll find out quick, fast, and in a hurry. The government is $34 trillion in debt. And it's come to the realization that money printing (which induces inflation) is no longer a viable option.
So, guess who's going to pay the freeloaders' bills? Uh huh. You guessed it. You. Here comes the phony lawsuits, fines, made-up excuses, and outright theft. No more Mr. Nice Guy. The government has a job to do. It's called survival. And if means ripping you off, so be it. Money definitely brings out the worst in us. Doesn't it?
There's a local moving company that's finding that out the hard way. So much for free enterprise. That silly concept died a horrible death a long time ago. Now it's your worst nightmare come true. Enter one Freddie Kruger. The Mafia extortion racket has just been taken one step beyond to a whole new dimension.
I would suggest this company do a survey of other moving companies to see if they've receiving the same kind of harassment, now or ever
"History doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes." –Mark Twain
"Erect barriers to prevent the encroachment of the federal government." –James Madison. Now you know why.
Watch your back and keep your powder dry. Freddie the Freeloader is on the warpath.
Kevin Moriarty
San Luis Obispo
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