Opinion » Letters

Check out this ancient history

San Luis Obispo



I, for one, appreciate getting the ongoing bulletins from an alternate universe warning us about the terrible dangers of electing Barack Obama president, as in the back-to-back letters from Larry Bargenquast (“Here’s the difference Obama makes”) and Richard Neufeld (“By his own words, Obama is a failure of a president”) in your Feb. 21 edition. (To summarize: “Dictator!” “Socialist!” “Divisive!” “Hypocritical!” “Un-American!” “Saul Alinsky!” “Handouts for minority voters!”)

Guys: There was an election last year. You—and your arguments—lost. By a lot. It was in the papers. Afterward, Bobby Jindahl said “We can’t keep being the stupid party.” Yes you can!

New Times, thank you for delivering the spectacle of living fossils. Many years from now, our grandchildren will be able to study the bleached bones of their ideology, preserved in your letters pages.

-- Joan Carter - San Luis Obispo

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