On Jan. 19, there will be an important meeting of the Local Agency Formation Commission to decide if Pismo may take county land as to expand the city limits. The purpose of this expansion is to develop more homes and a school. According to the last census, the population of Pismo has decreased; there is no need for the homes that are planned to go into that area.
This annexation is not needed and will impact all those that live in the Five Cities, as well as anyone that drives through this area on the freeway.
Water is another important issue. We might not have enough water to support more development; other communities are already experiencing water shortages. I am not opposed to growth; I am for smart growth, and this development isn’t smart.
This is the first of two large developments that will destroy our area. If you are concerned about the overdevelopment of the Five Cities area, then please attend the Jan. 19 meeting at the County Supervisors Chambers at 1055 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo, at 9 a.m.
It’s very important to voice your concerns. For more information, go to savepricecanyon.com.
-- Susan Testa - Pismo Beach
-- Susan Testa - Pismo Beach