I am part of a group of concerned SLO county citizens who attended the latest Board of Supervisors meeting (Jan. 13). We are dedicated to represent our neighbors who cannot take time away from their working lives to challenge the decisions made by our elected officials.
We are concerned about the fact that we had no input in the automatic induction of Adam Hill as vice-chairman. We have put up with Mr. Hill’s unprofessional, degrading rantings against us for years now and have brought the matter to the board’s attention numerous times. I am embarrassed and ashamed to have this man sit on our Board of Supervisors and have a say in the most important decisions in our community. At this point, this man could be our next chairman in 2016!
After our public comments were finished, Mr. Hill responded to our criticisms by saying that his fellow supervisors should disassociate themselves from the people who attack him. I would like to ask his fellow supervisors to disassociate themselves from Mr. Hill for his degrading, sick rantings against us.
I will again proudly represent my fellow hard working, tax paying citizens at the Jan. 27 meeting.
-- Bev Phifer - Creston