Opinion » Street Talk

Do you think SLO County has a lot of traffic accidents?

Ish Abdullah

Ish Abdullah

graphic designer

“I don’t see a whole lot of traffic accidents. I feel like most people in this county are pretty SLO moving.”

Vince Crooks

Vince Crooks

mortgage broker

“I don’t have any information on the statistics of the number of traffic accidents but I know one thing: We have probably three times as much traffic as we did, I’d say, five years ago.”

Sonia Asitimbay

Sonia Asitimbay


“Yes. I do think there are a lot of accidents, especially in downtown because of all the one-way streets as well as a lot of pedestrians crossing the street at the same time, bikers, Uber drivers, and old people.”

Mariah Carranza

Mariah Carranza


“Yeah, I guess. There are a lot of distracted drivers and young people in SLO County that are distracted when they drive.”

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