Opinion » Letters

Don't trifle with nature

San Luis Obispo



Some 10 years ago when a massive iceberg as big as Rhode Island broke away from the Arctic ice sheet, the story appeared on page six of most newspapers. Now some people seem to be waking up.

There are big problems to deal with in the wake of the oil tycoons who ran this country for the past eight years. The drill baby, drill crowd has no problem cutting down all of the trees, shooting wolves from helicopters, and consuming our environment because they believe God gave it to them. They honestly believe they will soon be beamed up to heaven out of this mess and leave everyone else behind.

Yeah, right: Global Warming is just a hoax being sold by us non-believers. With religious wars raging all over the world, we are soon to get educated about who our true God is: Mother Nature is really pissed off, and she is coming for us. Humans certainly deserve every bit of what she has planned.

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