Concerning the recent political cartoon in New Times representing members of COLAB as monkeys holding signs reading “Agenda 21 plot” and “Atlas Shrugged” (Hodin, Dec. 6), the cartoon is mocking the people who helped inform the many real people whose private property is at risk from the land use change. This was critical, as the county failed to adequately notify.
This cartoonist represents the “cultural Marxist” view that attempts to tear down truth that unifies the hearts and minds of the citizens of the U.S. civic responsibility, political participation, public debate, protest, etc. from those who resist the liberal point of view and have all been targeted for destruction. UN Agenda 21 clearly states that private property has to be removed from the hands of individuals and put in the hands of the collective and redistributed. Stand-alone houses, meat, more children, cars, and much more must all go away under “sustainable development, smart growth, and wild lands project.”
If you think I’m a conspiracy theorist, look at and see for yourself. These concepts are being embedded into most laws being passed by our city and county officials right now. The bringer of this bad-to-the-bone stuff is I.C.L.E.I., an NGO sucking in our representatives to shape specific outcomes, replacing constitutional law. The irony is that they are getting us to do this voluntarily by using environmental scare statistics, many of which are either overstated or completely untrue. Facts can be interpreted to get the outcome you want. Citizens, now is the time to suit up and show up to government meetings, regardless of mockers, or it will soon be too late.