Opinion » Letters

Hammer the snapshooter, not Phelps

San Luis Obispo



Much has been made of the now infamous tabloid photo of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps taking a bong hit. I’m real tired of all the moralizing, clicking of tongues (done, no doubt, by some with cocktails cradled in their hands), and holding this all-too-human young man to some higher standard than few of us could even begin to live up to. What disturbs me far more than Michael Phelps getting stoned is the motivation of the person who took the picture in the first place. I sincerely doubt that he or she had any thought of protecting the morals of our impressionable youth; they were just trying to make a buck. I’m sure the tabloid that printed that picture paid a whole lot of money for it. Who knew that the scary universe of Orwell’s 1984 would arrive not with the hidden cameras of an oppressive government but with every amoral opportunist who keeps a cell phone camera in their pocket.

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