Opinion » Letters

Here’s an idea …


After living in Los Osos 20 years, we moved a couple of years ago, but a friend has sent me newspaper clippings indicating the bureaucratic sewer madness continues. The latest estimates are for an average hookup cost of $3,000, plus a $250 annual property tax increase, plus a $120-$137 per month water charge.

First, consider that, with its present septic systems, Los Osos water quality is better than that of several nearby towns with sewer systems. There’s a problem?

Second, remember that water quality is of no concern for almost all water usage: bathing, dish and car washing, laundry, lawn watering, toilet flushing, etc. A family of four uses 62 gallons, maximum, per month for drinking and cooking, where water quality is a consideration.

I wonder why the great minds of the RWQCB have not considered an alternative: Requiring each household to use bottled water for drinking. Bottled water suppliers currently charge about $110/month to deliver 62 gallons.

Or how about another, even cheaper, alternative: Requiring installation of a water purifying unit in the cold water line under kitchen sinks, the source of all drinking/cooking water. It would cost about $175, installed, and should last at least 15 years.

For a community of about 8,000 residences, the annual savings could amount to something like $15,320,000, and would eliminate the years-long trauma of torn up streets, lawns, trees, and shrubbery, and the expensive maintenance of a sewer system.

Los Osos’ “water problem� is simply the RWQCB.


Bill Horton

Loveland, Colo.

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