Opinion » Letters

It's only a pipe dream



As President Obama spoke recently on stimulating green energies, may the powers that be take giant steps to decommission Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant—now!

This makes good sense, as operating costs surely increase with an aging nuclear dinosaur, not forgetting the probability of a serious accident, as witnessed with the San Onofre plant.

As a society, we must address the health of this planet we call home. The children deserve a safe and clean environment free of nuclear radiation!

Furthermore, the United States of America should declare an end to all nuclear weapons.

Imagine this country leading the world toward a nuclear-free Earth, to include a proper and safe method of securing all spent fuel waste stockpiles concurrently moving toward the decommissioning of all nuclear power plants in America.

This alone is paramount to restoring America’s moral compass in this world.


-- John Edwards - San Luis Obispo

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