Opinion » Letters

Keep our library open


For me the library is a living symbol of freedom. This is the one place where all Americans, rich and poor, young and old can access knowledge without charge. We can connect through time and space with other people in the books, videos, CDs, the Internet, and other programs the library offers. This is a meeting ground, a place available to everyone. It is important to keep libraries open and free for all. Recently when I was at the library I was told that it is a real possibility that our library will close. Everyone needs to write to our Board of Supervisors. Tell them what the closure of the library means to you and our community and beg - yes, even beg! - them to keep it open. The library helps bind Americans together.

Please help keep our library open by contacting the Board of Supervisors at Room 370, County Government Center, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93408. Phone: 781-5450; fax: 781-1350; e-mail: [email protected].


Marie Smith

Los Osos

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