Opinion » Letters

Kudos to Capps for health care vote




I commend our Representative, Lois Capps, for supporting health care revision in this country. We all knew the system was broken and finally we have a good start for a fix. Is there anyone—Republican, Democrat or independent—who hasn’t had a family member’s legitimate medical insurance claims manipulated, lost, or denied? 

For years, patients and doctors have swirled in a large insurance game where claims are delayed until doctor’s write off fees or the patient gives up or dies. Now is the time for citizens to work, within the system, to fix whatever needs fixing, and support representatives who use common sense and cooperation. It’s time to respectfully air differences, negotiate, and reward those who compromise toward creating a healthy, prosperous, and safe life for everyone.

-- Ethel Landers - Nipomo

-- Ethel Landers - Nipomo

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