The letter to the editor, "Show me the evidence," by Glen de St. Jean (April 4), was more "evidence" of the assault on Trump's critics. Glen is furious with leading Democrats' belief that President Donald Trump is not innocent of collusion. Well, Glen, Robert Mueller, an upright Republican, indicted a large number of Trump's campaign officials and advisors, and his personal attorney—all of whom admitted to previously unrevealed meetings with Russian officials, Russian-connected "handlers," and Russian oligarchs during the campaign and after Trump's inauguration.
Trump's campaign manager shared polling data with the Russians and has had lucrative (and suspect) financial connections with them, and Trump himself is refusing to reveal financial info on his personal business connections. Trump's critics further mistrust Trump's unwillingness to personally testify before Mueller's team, his refusal to reveal his taxes (although every other president of recent history has done so), his seizure of the translator's minutes of his private meeting with Putin in Helsinki, and his (documented) habitual lying about everything.
In too many ways, these facts cast doubt on our president's loyalties as well as his attorney general's public whitewash of him. Congress has every reason, in its constitutional duty of oversight of the executive branch, to demand records that pertain to our president's authoritative leanings and his relationship with our greatest adversary.
I, for one, am glad Congress is finally doing its constitutional duty of being a "check and balance" on an unpredictable president, who admires and favors autocrats and has access to the means of worldwide destruction. Why would a sensible person not want Congress to explore every possible avenue to either clear the president of every suspected wrongdoing or prevent any harm to our country? In the end, wouldn't a transparent inquiry and finding serve the American people best?
As an 88-year-old, I have lived long enough to have seen the rise of fascism prior to WWII. Unfortunately, I am witnessing it again, here and throughout the world. Those who fight to stifle the free press—which is the safeguard of democracy—repeat the lies of propagandists, and will not question the morally questionable acts of our "dear leader" are pawns in the hands of an aspiring despot, who famously said at one of his huge rallies: "Don't believe what you read or see. I'll tell you what to believe."
The only way to fight this fascistic credo is to learn more, not less, and speak out.
Istar Holliday
Arroyo Grande
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