Opinion » Letters

Morro Bay shouldn't charge for parking


Reports say Morro Bay is planning to replace free parking with paid parking.

Install paid parking along the Embarcadero and at Morro Rock? What a rotten idea! Even at the busiest time of day, some free parking is still available now, according to a 2020 study's numbers.

To change things so that residents and tourists now able to park free down by the water would have to pay for the privilege is to change Morro Bay into one of those other larger California beach towns that don't let you park near the ocean without coughing up some cash.

I hope the voting residents of Morro Bay let the City Council members know in no uncertain terms that any one of them, hungry for money to spend, who votes to impose paid parking after all these happy decades and decades of free parking here in Morro Bay will be voted out of office in the next election.

Don't change the character of Morro Bay. Don't change us into something else. Leave well enough alone.

Bill Cahill

Morro Bay

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