After keeping up with all the different information about the bailout and health- care reform, plus the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, my family has come up with what seems to be the new strategy that’s behind the scenes. It’s simple, yet effective: “Socialize” debt, “privatize” profit. What a brilliant way to make government, banks, and corporations (including insurance companies) not financially responsible for the failure of their business policies when put into actual practice.
Future generations of Americans are now in debt even before being born. There seems to be a lot of people who fear any kind of “ism”, but no one seems to question the capitalism that spawns this way of thinking. There can’t always be financial profit in doing things for the common good; Some things have a long-term value that can’t be calculated.
As a family, we’ll be looking for this type of strategy and pointing it out in every place that we see it. The way to change any problem is to first recognize when it is happening. Only then do we become aware of how much it affects our lives and try to take new directions that are more successful. Be aware of this trend by government and business in our society: socialization of debt, privatization of profit.