Opinion » Letters

Question authority

San Luis Obispo



Regarding the commentary “Remove ‘under God’ from the Pledge of Allegiance” (June 25), Emily Thurston’s education seems to be paying off with her questioning of indoctrinated dogma. Unfortunately, many in my generation, those who generally subscribe to the right-wing, FOX News doctrine, have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by their hate and fear of free-thinking nonconformists. J.E. Curtis’ letter (“Thurston must have been brainwashed,” July 2) appears to place him or herself in this category.

It is good to see young people who will carry on the adage  “question authority.” Had we older folks who know history had the courage to speak out, we would not have wasted more than 4000 Americans lives in Iraq.

To set the record straight, the First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an established religion.” Since the framers of the Constitution left out the so-called Christian values, I would be curious to get a list of them. Was the drowning of witches one of them?

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