Opinion » Letters

re: Confessions of a homophobe

Arroyo Grande



Tell Otis Page he’s off his rocker (“Confession of a homophobe,” Feb. 25). First point: In no way whatsoever would any LGBT person expect or want straight people to change the way they love. No LGBT person is going to get upset if anyone doesn’t engage in homosexual or bisexual activities. Gay, bisexual, and transgendered individuals are not asking us to change, they just want to be able to be like us, and love how they are designed to love. Pop culture is the source encouraging straight people to experiment with homosexuality/bisexuality activities, especially young girls.

Second point: It is not a choice to be gay. Why would anyone choose to live so difficult a life? Love is hard enough to find, limiting it even more would be crazy. Every LGBT person I know knows it is not a choice. And yes, it happens among animals. It is a hormonal anomaly that changes what type of pheromones a person/animal is attracted to. Gays just happen to be attracted to the hormones of the same gender. It’s not something that can be wished away. To choose it would be wrong, but nearly all of the time it is not a choice.

I am a Christian, and I believe that Jesus taught us to love everyone, and not judge. Leave judgment to God. We don’t have the right to say someone can’t love.

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