If all you want is low-income housing without any regard to those who sacrificed to accomplish this on their own, then you are redistributing the hard-earned dollars of working families. You are supporting theft by the rude, arrogant, bullies, Supervisors Adam Hill and Bruce Gibson. If you want to talk about an ideology, they are the poster children and superstars of "take, take, take from me" to solve all the problems of this county. I say, enough!
Supervisor Lynn Compton was right on with her comments and vote during the December Board of Supervisors meeting on housing. She said that the builders will just pass on the huge extra fees to me, the real homebuyer, and that is not fair!
Why does everyone have to own a home? Why does everyone have to live here instead of understanding that we all have choices based on reality? So tomorrow I should show up in Beverly Hills and cry "I need low-income housing, fix it for me."
Happy New Year, and let us resolve to make 2018, "Smaller more efficient government, lower taxes, and more personal freedom."
Laura Mordaunt
San Luis Obispo
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