Opinion » Letters

Representatives should study




I thought it was just a mistake when the TARP bill passed without Rep. Lois Capps bothering to read it. But then I realized our representatives in Washington and Sacramento are no longer looking out for our interests. It’s Capps’ job to read bills before she votes for or against them. She also voted on another bill she did not bother to read:

The Cap and Trade bill is about the thickness of War and Peace and has ramifications that could cost us dearly in the future. What’s her rush? Can’t she take a week to read it? The TARP bill will affect the tax debt for the next three generations and Cap and Trade would do the same.
It’s time we clean house of all the politicians who are afraid to say the emperor has no clothes and get people who will represent us—not special interests or party interests. I am convinced the government has forgotten its role to represent us. Both the Democratic and the Republican parties are bad. I am registering as American Independent. We need an effective third party.

-- Terry Sweetland - Oceano

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