Opinion » Letters

Since when is it illegal to gather in public?


Is it just me, or am I seeing a curious gesture from SLO governmental officials and the “community� that goes against an unalienable right we have to gather in public?

How can they (those who drafted and ran the ad in this week’s New Times — “The Party is Over�) be acting in good conscience when the following statement is published?

“Gatherings on streets, sidewalks and parking lots near campus and downtown will not be allowed.�

Since when are “we the people� not allowed to gather in public?

I understand the intent, but help me with manner in which “they� are going about their means to an end. Since when are “we� (the community) signing up for and endorsing police-state tactics?

The implied threat is tactless and not in the spirit of honoring the SLO citizenry, which by and large is quite functional and peaceful.


Philip Novotny

San Luis Obispo

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