Opinion » Letters

SLO's new building codes sound great


It's great that current San Luis Obispo leaders are committed to green building initiatives, although I seriously doubt, as Erin Veium stated ("SLO plans new building codes, programs to curb emissions," Feb. 21), that our little city will have much impact on China!

Retrofitting existing properties should take priority since there are so many. Here in Cambria, I've taken a 25-year-old home and added rainwater harvesting systems, backup solar power, a more efficient furnace (natural gas makes the most sense), and other efficiencies. Two were DIY.

As for solar power, I am leading a workshop in alternatives to grid power now that PG&E has gone bankrupt and is dismantling Diablo. Sunwork.org, Solarponics, and local people already with systems will be there to answer questions. It's March 10 at 10 a.m. at Linn's Easy as Pie restaurant. Email [email protected] to register; it's free.

William Seavey


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