Opinion » Letters

Steve's struggle was an inspiration


I was shocked and saddened by the news
of Steve Moss' untimely passing. I did not know Steve, but I have enjoyed the New
for many years. When I heard that
Steve suffered from epilepsy and depression, my heart sank. I too suffer from epilepsy
and depression.

In recent years I have all but given up on my dreams of becoming a nurse. I have spent many years at Cuesta getting all of my general studies in order. I am just a few classes away from the nursing program. Somehow the depression seems to make me feel as though I can't reach my goals. There are days when I can't even get out of bed. The constant thought of when my next seizure may happen makes life almost unbearable. I know how hard these illnesses are for those who suffer from them, and for the sufferers' loved ones.

I find Steve's story of success mind boggling and inspirational. Through the tales of Steve's hard work, determination, and zest for life, I have found strength. When I return to Cuesta this fall I will have a kindred spirit with me. If it was not for Steve's story I don't know that I would be going back to school. Steve touched more lives than he will ever know. There is a song by The Allman Brothers called "Soul Shine." I would like to dedicate that song to Steve and his family. He obviously had soul shine. I thank him for many years of great stories and for making me realize I can do it.


Lori R. Anderson

Los Osos

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