Christians, Rejoice!
Biblical scripture is now the law of the land!
Kidnapping and disappearing children of asylum seekers from Central America, ripping them from their parents, is ordained by God. The resultant trauma inflicted is a righteous club intended to outweigh that inflicted by the life-threatening conditions in their homelands.
Ku-Klux-Klan-infused Attorney General Jeff Sessions invokes a Bible chapter (Romans 13) to justify this abuse as divinely ordained, as it has been historically used to justify slavery, Nazism, South African apartheid, and early 20th century white supremacy.
This is a great revival!
As the scripture Sessions cites says, those who "resisteth the power ... the ordinance of God ... shall receive ... damnation." So be it. Let us yield blind obedience to authority, and surrender adherence to our moral and ethical values. Let us be numb to the pain we inflict on others as we sadistically rejoice in our ability to mete out punishment for disobedience to our bigoted orthodoxy.
Having helped to create the conditions from which people are fleeing Central America, by supporting corrupt dictatorships and murderous militias and refusing to support democratic movements, we self-righteously turn our backs on our victims and dehumanize and abuse those seeking refuge.
Christians, stop this sadism.
David Broadwater
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