Opinion » Letters

Support Bob Banner via crowdfunding



Even though I don’t really need to raise money for my various entrepreneurial endeavors, I’m fascinated by crowdfunding and so happy it is working for so many in SLO County (“Brother, can you spare a dime?” Feb. 19).

I do wish Glen Starkey had interviewed Bob Banner, who has gone to crowdfunding several times to raise money to keep his ventures afloat. He has a campaign right now at gofundme.com/n79350.

As many of you know, Bob published HopeDance for many years, currently exhibits esoteric films around the tri-county area, and has put on workshops on “laughology”—in fact, a book is in the works on that subject (due in May).

When Bob’s finances get a little tight, he offers people, through crowdfunding, private workshops or film showings, help setting up responsive Facebook accounts, future (or past) books he has published—even window washing! He’s a Renaissance-type person who is willing to do multiple things to keep his passions alive—and continue to serve the community.

I’m proud to call Bob a friend. Most recently we worked together putting on a film and discussion on water issues in Cambria.

-- William L. Seavey - Cambria

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