Opinion » Letters

Take your oil dreams to Bakersfield



The public support and great pride that Huasna residents and their supporters have are indeed the real wealth that Parker the oil man needs to take seriously (“Oil project shrinks in scope,” July 24). Parker’s assumption that Huasna folks have “pretty good money behind them” is a ridiculous and a pathetic attempt to gain pity: poor, poor Parker. Then to threaten the community with “big oil” for backup is even more ludicrous and illustrates his inclination for being a bully.

If there were oodles of oil in Huasna Valley, it would have already been harvested 30 years ago. Maybe Parker should go back to Bakersfield where the environmental bar is lower for oil extraction and industrial uses. San Luis Obispo County residents do care about their environment, and maybe that is the reason so many people from Bakersfield love coming to our county for our natural beauty, rest, and relaxation.

-- Tracy Del Rio - Arroyo Grande

-- Tracy Del Rio - Arroyo Grande

-- Tracy Del Rio - Arroyo Grande

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