Opinion » Letters

Thanks from a sister

San Luis Obispo



For the last 10 months, I have been a volunteer “Big Sister” to a 12-year-old girl in Arroyo Grande. For National “Thank Your Mentor” Day on Jan. 17, I want to thank my mentors at Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County, for all the ways they help me build a strong, positive relationship with my “Little Sister.”

I have been beyond stunned by the helpfulness, thoughtfulness, and impressive organization of the SLO Bigs team. They let nothing fall through the cracks! I’m so grateful for them all.

The community support they garner is really inspirational. They have made so many no-cost activities available to us that I can’t keep up with them all. And they are special activities that help my Little Sister build her interests and get involved in the community. Really, how cool for these kids! But it benefits me, too. I just feel so lucky!

Lastly, they did a phenomenal job of picking just the right kid to match me with. She is so special. I just love hanging out with her! It’s been such a blessing—really, truly remarkable.


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