Opinion » Letters

Thanks to county leaders!


I was dismayed to see last week's Shredder ("Five stages," April 9) poke at SLO County Health Director Dr. Penny Borenstein, who, in my opinion, has been nothing short of heroic managing the local COVID-19 crisis. She has been forthright in an unprecedented and fast-changing situation, and deserves our accolades and deep gratitude, not a sideswipe of criticism. I am so grateful to have both Dr. Borenstein and County Administrative Officer Wade Horton guiding our community through this extraordinarily difficult situation. I have been reassured by their straightforward communication, impressed by the forward thinking (and unbelievable quick-turn readiness) of the Cal Poly alternative care site, and amazed by their tireless commitment to all of us. I know they are the leaders of a much larger team of responders working to keep us safe. I thank them all.

Maggie Cox

San Luis Obispo

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