Opinion » Letters

The right to have a say


Once again, the residents of Santa Margarita have not been informed or even given a chance for input regarding an important decision that will directly affect our health, our children's health, and our property values.

Regardless of your position on the merits or defects of the Verizon cell tower (tank) proposed for downtown Santa Margarita, the Santa Margarita residents have not been given adequate notice.

This is a form of classism and environmental discrimination because I have no doubt, if this cell tower was to be proposed near our supervisor's home or the people that donate to their re-election campaign, this tower would not get your approval. Santa Margarita is a working-class town without any real representation or McMansions and therefore easily compromised.

The Santa Margarita Area Advisory Council does not represent the town of Santa Margarita and by the time townspeople realized that a tower was being proposed, the only decision given was, "Do you want a fir tree or a water tower? See, you have a choice." The people directly impacted by this tower have a right to have a hearing. This decision should not be made by people living outside the area.

Just as the Board of Supervisors feel that it is jolly good that 200-plus gravel trucks pass our cemetery, grammar school, park, and downtown, this proposed tower will not affect them either. As Citizens United says, "Money is free speech," which really means, "No money, no speech." We deserve a right to have a say in this important matter.

Cheri Roe

Santa Margarita

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