The Republican Party of San Luis Obispo County (RPSLO) strongly supports Proposition 13 as voted by two-thirds of the people of the state of California in 1978 and reaffirms that Proposition 13 benefits individual homeowners, renters, local governments, and the overall economy. Applause to the recent unanimous vote of the SLO County Board of Supervisors for its support of Proposition 13 included in the county's 2019 legislative platform.
There is a powerful California movement to propose legislation or initiatives to modify Proposition 13. There are many proposed measures and/or legislation that will reduce the super majority vote required to raise taxes from two-thirds to 55 percent. It is important to note there is also a measure that qualified for the November 2020 ballot.
It would establish a so-called "split roll" for property tax, which would reduce protections for commercial property owners. There are concerns it may become the subject of legislative negotiations. The split roll would seriously hurt the many small businesses in San Luis Obispo County.
Randall Jordan
chairman, RPSLO