Opinion » Letters

Treat bears humanely

Arroyo Grande



I am writing to the Fish and Game Commission to voice my opposition to bear hunting in San Luis Obispo County. I do not understand why anyone who has any compassion for animals would consider any regulation allowing humans to hunt down animals for sport. I have no doubt you take pride, as I do, in San Luis Obispo County and want everyone to see us as a civilized and humanitarian society.
I would be terribly ashamed to know that any person in this county condones and supports inhumane solutions to any county challenge. I have no doubt there are a number of kinder, more humane solutions to controlling the bear population. Just because a group of hunters wants to find something to kill for sport is no reason we should even consider allowing this to happen. In this county we must take pride and full responsibility for making decisions that teach the next generation of children to find humane and civilized solutions to any and all challenges. Killing should never be considered an acceptable solution!
We will all be watching the commission on April 21 and trust it will make intelligent and responsible decisions to protect all wildlife in our county.  

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