Opinion » Letters

Wake-up call to Grover Beach


On April 4, the city manager provided a big preview for the upcoming Grover Beach budget regarding our fee schedules. Part of the pitch was a $2 million expense to be incurred by replacing all of the existing residential water meters over a two-year period. His excuse was that the meter readers couldn't use them because it causes too much additional work.

A more honest reason for the need to change the meters is Councilman Lieberman's recently enacted Fire Sprinkler Rules. Arroyo Grande turned down similar legislation because they would have had to replace all their existing meters and felt it too expensive for the taxpayers.

Alas, poor Grover! One more time a shell game for its citizens just for putting a fire sprinkler in every home. Oh, I almost forgot that we have had only a few house fires in the past 10 years. Who is paying for this legislation? You are! Wake up, taxpayers, and pay attention to City Hall's actions.


Ken Grose

Grover Beach

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