Opinion » Letters

We will miss you, Pepe Delgado's

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Much more than just a San Luis Obispo landmark and an excellent restaurant for nearly half a century, dating back to when they first opened in 1971, Pepe Delgado's has always meant something very special to our family. Birthdays, anniversaries, and numerous other family celebrations were regularly marked, decade after decade, at Pepe's. Our appreciation for Pepe's quickly went far beyond the always fine quality items on their menu. My husband and myself, along with all seven of our children, and eventually, their own children, have regularly visited Pepe's. As much for the quality food and ambiance, we loved Pepe's also for the warmth and friendliness of the staff and management, many of whom have over time become very close to us. I will especially miss my own favorite menu items, but even more so, the dear friendships that developed between my husband and myself with Yvonne, Barbara, and Chuy. Goodbye, Pepe's, and thanks so much to all for a greatly appreciated half-century of wonderful food, service, and memories.

Gloria M. Williams & family



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