Thank you, Ms. Owen, we are very proud of the new master plan for the Los Osos Community Park (“Nice job, ladies,� Letters, Jan. 20-27).
Because of budget constraints and huge increases in construction costs (steel and concrete), Phase I only includes one new tennis court, the skate park, new landscaping, and several other features mentioned above.
The skate facility was initially sized at 21,000 square feet. After studying anticipated use requirements, it was reduced to 17,000 square feet. The below-ground-level skate park is located at the front of the park, next to Los Osos Valley Road, specifically because the Sheriff’s Department requested it. They want clear visibility into the skate facility so passing deputies can monitor activities without appearing to be intrusive. It was also placed there because the rear section of the park is snail habitat.
We discussed the possibility of moving the skate facility to the LOCSD’s land across the street, but they told us the site’s intended use and permit constraints made it impossible.
One of the most important benefits from this first phase is it may be the catalyst to bring a real recreation program to Los Osos! County Park staff is currently discussing a potential partnership with the YMCA. Once we have something for kids to do, the “Y� is interested in developing recreational opportunities for Los Osos!
Pandora Nash-Karner
Chair, SLO County Park Commission