Opinion » Street Talk

What was your most exotic trip?

Darrell Eggert

Darrell Eggert

grocery employee

“Probably Prague. There are a lot of exotic ladies there. They are fun and beautiful.

Patrick Courson

Patrick Courson


“My most exotic trip was to Paris when I was young. My most memorable moment is when I was able to hangout with another kid around my age of 11 or 12 and play with him at a park, even though we weren’t able to speak each others languages.”

Greg Erickson

Greg Erickson

business school graduate student

“I did a three-week kayak trip in northern Canada. It was a fantastic solo trip. I had to carry all my own food for the whole time. It was like man versus wild.”

Ann-Marie Plastino

Ann-Marie Plastino

stay-at-home mother

“I’ve traveled all over the world. I was just in Romania for three months. My husband is a film maker, so we were there filming a World War II movie.”

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