Opinion » Street Talk

What’s your best April fools’ joke?

Dimitri Baron-Vin

Dimitri Baron-Vin


“A few years ago, my teacher said we had a big surprise test and everyone started freaking out until she said, ‘April Fool’s!’

Susan Wilky

Susan Wilky


“I put a rubber rat in the corner of my friend’s office. I had to stop him from shooting it with a pellet gun. It was hilarious.”

Jen Collins

Jen Collins


“I like the classic Saran Wrap around the toilet seat.”

Annelis VandenBerg

Annelis VandenBerg


“When my kids were really young, I yelled to them that a hot air balloon had landed in the backyard. They all came running, even my husband. The look of disappointment was very good.”

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