Opinion » Street Talk

What’s your favorite barbecue food?

Mary Coniglio

Mary Coniglio

private vocal coach

“Barbecue ribs. My mom used to make the best barbecue sauce.”

Kia Blomberg

Kia Blomberg

Cal Poly senior

“Firestone tri-tip, because I love their barbecue sauce. It tastes like candy.”

Lisa Zigenis-Grant

Lisa Zigenis-Grant

designer at Lyte Form Design Studio

“My husband is a vegetarian, and so we barbecue Portobello mushrooms. It’s tasty, it’s healthier, and you still get the same effect.”

Mike Hoese

Mike Hoese

Morro Bay Fire Department engineer paramedic

“I gotta say a really good pulled-pork sandwich, and the thing I like making best myself is tri-tip. Why? Because they taste awesome.”

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