Opinion » Letters

50 Shades of No Way



I do not think I have ever read a funnier or more honest review of a movie than Cliff and Jessica’s commentary on 50 Shades of Grey (“Coming attractions,” Feb. 19).

It had me laughing out loud, and although I had not planned to see the movie, nor read the book, it almost makes me want to after reading this piece.

Chris Hedges, a prominent journalist who now writes for Truthdig.com, did his review, associating the movie with the “end of the world as we know it,” i.e., porn and violence. He throws in American Sniper for good measure for the violence aspect.

So now I have two different slants on the movie, which are in actuality the same: Do not pay good money for rubbish!

Thanks for the good laugh.

-- Victoria Grostick - San Luis Obispo

-- Victoria Grostick - San Luis Obispo

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