Opinion » Letters

A plea to the California Coastal Commission on behalf of marine life

Conservation Manager



Over the past week, I have received not one but two letters from California residents concerned about the proposed PG&E testing and the consequences of these tests with regard to the number of marine mammals expected to be severely injured and/or killed. Your constituents are making it very clear that they care about their precious marine resources.

The incredible number of whales along California’s coast this summer alone should be testament to the rich productivity and high conservation value of this area. To think that these animals will be harmed in lieu of seismic testing (that is unlikely to reveal significant new information) is appalling. Do not sacrifice thousands of our whales, dolphins, seals, and fish, along with livelihoods, culture. and recreation of the people of California, for the interests of a few.

It is understandable that the nuclear power plants in question are located in high-risk areas, but wanton seismic testing is not the answer. I encourage you, instead, to take the time to consider alternatives to seismic testing—a move that would benefit not only the underwater community, but the residents of California as well.

The future of California’s marine resources rests on the Coastal Commission’s decisions. Pacific Whale Foundation, on behalf of our thousands of supporters around the world, thus urges you to seriously evaluate the long-term, biological consequences associated with the proposed testing, and in doing so, realize that the resultant irreversible damage to California’s marine life significantly outweighs testing.

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