Opinion » Letters

'Clean nuclear' is impossible

Los Osos



I take great offence that New Times published the article by David Deick (“Radio-phobia,” April 18). The statements made are so misinformed that it is frightening.

For example, Mr. Deick denies the negative health effects of high levels of exposure to radiation, which all M.D.s and scientists have documented. Thousands have contracted cancer and have died from exposure to high levels of radiation. The fact is that advocating for safe “new age nuclear power plants” is delusional. He doesn’t even mention the problem of what to do with nuclear waste which remains lethal for thousands of years.

The statement that solar and wind will never provide sufficient energy plays right into the propaganda of Big Oil and Big Coal. If our country would put as much funding into sustainable energy solutions instead of the extraordinary costs of nuclear reactors and other fossils fuels, I have no doubt a clean solution for our energy needs would be found.

As Mr. Deick says, “Clean coal is impossible.” Well, so is clean nuclear energy.

-- Andrea Caulfield - Los Osos

-- Andrea Caulfield - Los Osos

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