Opinion » Letters

Consider more humanitarian justice




Concerning the letter from William L. Seavey of Cambria and his statement that Canadians “honor their native cultures” (“Oh, Canada!” Nov. 22): I would suggest he read the book by John Reilly printed in Canada in 2010 and now in its fourth edition. This concerns his experience working as a judge and the native clients who came into his courtroom.

Former Judge Reilly believed that justice did not serve them. He worked to have the system address the severe socioeconomic problems on the reservations and supported the idea of restorative justice, similar in some ways to the South Africa justice system after Apartheid that held courts of apology for the victims of crime and their perpetrators.

I would suggest that we could also consider such justice in this country as it is more humanitarian and likely to have actual improvement for those—in particular, the disenfranchised—who come before it.

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