Opinion » Letters

Get ready for the June 3 election


   Let me get this straight: County Supervisor Katcho Achadjian says he changed from a swing voter to a rabid pro-growther, joining ranks with Harry Ovitt and Jerry Lenthall, because “previous incarnations of the Board of Supervisors were more ‘extremist,’ and this one is more moderate.” (“Together, going it alone,” April 24) So, to be a “moderate” now means that you should routinely approve projects which are illegal, which violate the General Plan, which are inconsistent with the California Environmental Quality Act, which completely ignore the advice of staff planners or the Planning Commission, or which give special favors to cronies and special interest groups (POPRs, Mike Ryan, private developers, etc.). Okay, now I get it.
   Patrick Howe’s article really shows why the June 3 election is so important for the future of our county.
   In the 5th District, challenger Debbie Arnold wants to be a clone of her mentor, Mike Ryan, the real estate investor in a cowboy hat. Didn’t we learn our lesson the first time? I’m sticking with Jim Patterson. Jim is smart, dedicated, fair, responsive, honest, and wants a healthy economy as well as sensibly managed growth.
   Fed up with Jerry Lenthall, many folks in the 3rd District are strongly supporting Adam Hill. Adam knows the issues well and has presented his positions intelligently and openly. In contrast, Mr. Lenthall has no answers.
   See you on June 3!

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